Here's some information you might find useful for your first visit

If you're attending New Harbor with children, we recommend arriving 5 minutes prior to service to allow time to check in and acclimate your child(ren) to their classroom.
Inside the lobby, you'll find our Kids' Check-In Kiosk.
On your first visit, fill out an info card to inform us of your children's age, allergies, and other things that will help us care for them.
If you've filled out an info card on a previous visit, you can easily check in by entering your mobile number and following the prompts.
Services are offered for Pre-School (ages 2-5) - 5th Grade.
After check-in, children are greeted by their teachers and friends with the option for free play, coloring, or games for the first few minutes of service before the bible lesson begins. Preschool and school aged programs vary slightly depending on attention span and curriculum.
Families with newborns or toddlers are welcome to use the Family Room, a quiet, comfortable room that allows parents to see and hear the service.
Preparing for the Nursery
Nursery care for newborns to age 2 is provided during the 10am Sunday Service.
Suggested Items to Pack
Two disposable diapers
Pacifier or other security items
Bottle, formula, and other feeding essentials
Sippy cup of milk, juice, or water
If you would like to provide a snack for your child, please pack one for your little one. We do not have snacks in the nursery at this time.
Nursing Mothers
Nursing mothers may come into the nursery at any time to feed their baby or put them down for a nap. The family room is another option for nursing mothers, as it is more private than the main sanctuary and soundproof.
Saying "goodbye" and Checking In
​After you've checked in your child, here are some tips for transitioning out of the room.
Stay Calm.
Be Positive! ("it will be fine, you'll have fun here")
Don't Linger - this can make it harder on the child and you.
Say Goodbye, letting them know you'll return.
Feel free to check on your little one at any time during the service. We ask, however, that you do so discreetly, trying not to let your child see you.
Children's Safety Program & Teacher Screening
Your child’s safety is of critical importance to us, and it is our desire that all children would feel loved, safe and secure, and know and experience how much God loves them every Sunday.
New Harbor has implemented a thorough and rigorous safety program that includes the following:
Fingerprinting and background checks for all those 18 and over who are working with children and/or youth.
Check-in / check-out system for every classroom
Two supervisors in every classroom
Front-door monitoring to ensure no child leaves alone or without their parent
Minimum 12-years old for all child and nursery workers
Emergency evacuation plan & emergency lighting
All the children entrusted to us are precious, and we are grateful that no children in our ministry’s care have ever experienced a single safety or inappropriate conduct issue. We believe the above steps will ensure that continues!